For Vendors

AI Assessment and Auditing

Build evidence-based trust in your AI solutions through Armilla Verified, our AI assessment and auditing service.

Complete AI governance and technical audits 

Cutting edge AI research and industry best practices integrated

Holistic evaluation of safe, ethical, and trustworthy AI in line with regulations and standards

Comprehensive, efficient and scalable via Armilla's automated AI testing technology

Strategies for model remediation and product improvement included

Internal Report
External Report
Ongoing Monitoring
Quality Assurance Certificate/Seal

Vendor Products.

Vendor Benefits.

Reduce customer sales cycles
Pre-empt RFP and enterprise requirements for AI products
Build credibility through independent verification of your product claims
Future-proof AI compliance
Establish presence as Responsible AI leader 

NYC’s Mandatory Bias Audits

NYC’s Mandatory Bias Audits

New York City Council’s Local Law 144 requires independent bias audits of all automated employment decision tools (AEDT) used on job candidates and employees before July 5, 2023.

From this day onward, companies prohibited from using AEDTs to hire candidates or promote employees, unless the tools have been independently audited for bias. These regulations are likely to affect hundreds of NYC-based employers and recruitment agencies, as well as HR software vendors that sell to the NYC market.

Get Started

Independent bias audit under the NYC Bias Audit legislation.

Ensure you’re compliant with the new NYC bias audit requirements with a fully independent and impartial audit from Armilla AI. Our automated auditing technology delivers comprehensive, efficient and scalable results.

Prepare a bias audit report

We conduct an independent bias audit, in line with the NYC bias audit law requirements, to examine whether your system is discriminating against any protected categories, such as gender, sex, ethnicity, or race.

Bias assessment per system, including, but not limited to:

Disparate impact on persons (e.g., candidates, employees)
Protected categories and sub-categories (e.g., gender, ethnicity, race)

Publish a summary of results

We compile your bias audit findings into a public-facing summary of results, including the prescribed selection rates and impact ratios of protected categories, to be shared on your company website, as required by the NYC regulations.